
Want to become a Pilot? Apply Here!


Pilot Ranks

Rank Title Minimum Hours Pay Rate/Hour Can Fly Rank Image
New Hire 0 $0/hr C172, C206
Student 1 $10/hr C210, PA-3, SR22, PA44, C310
Private Pilot 10 $25/hr B200, B350, C208, DHC6, E110, E55P, KODI, PC12, C510, C414, SW4, P750, HDJT, B190, TBM9, CJ2, DHC4
First Officer 50 $50/hr A20N, A21N, A319, A321, B738, AT45, AT76, B739, CL30, CRJ7, CRJ9, E145, E170, E175, E195, FA50, MD82, AT75, GLF5, B38M, H25B, BBJ1, A21F, B78X, A318, BCS3
Capitan 350 $80/hr A306, A310, A332, B752, B763, B764, DC3, DC85, B757, DC6A
Senior Capitan 500 $100/hr B747, A339, A346, A359, AN22, B748, B772, B773, B77F, B788, MD11
Hub CEO 32767 $200/hr All the aircraft
Airline CEO 32767 $200/hr All the aircraft


Award Description Image
Welcome Rewarded when pilots Join and passed filters/exams/hiring process
Butter King Awarded when a Pilot performs a series of 10 exceptional landings (less than -100 FPM) in a row
Butter Queen Awarded when a Pilot performs a series of 10 exceptional landings (less than -100 FPM) in a row
Landing Expert Awarded when a Pilot performs a series of 5 exceptional landings (less than -100 FPM) in a row
Captain Award given when pilot reach the Rank of Captain
Cargo Tour 2023 Awarded when Pilot complete the XS Dhalion Air Cargo Tour 2023
First Hour Award given when a Pilto reach its Student Rank
First Officer Awarded when Pilot gets his First Officer Rank
100 Hours Awarded when Pilot complete 100 hours with the airline
XS Dhalion IFR Tour Awarded when Pilot complete the XS Dhalion Air IFR Tour
Long Haul Awared to Pilot when a Flight more than 8 hours but less than 13 is perforrmed
Mega Long Haul Awarded wehn Pilot performs a flight over 13 hours
Privet Pilot Award given when Pilot reach his PP Rank
Senior Captain Award given when Pilot reach his Senior Captain Rank
Staff Member Awarded to Staff Members only
1000 Hours Awarded when Pilot reach over 1000 hours
300 Hours Awarded when Pilot reaches 300 Hours
200 Hours Award given to Pilot when complete 200 hours
VFR King Complete 3 VFR Tours XS, Ivao WT, Dhalion Tour or any pre-approved Divisional Using DIO Callsign
VFR Queen Complete 3 VFR Tours XS, Ivao WT, Dhalion Tour or any pre-approved Divisional Using DIO Callsign
VFR Tour Awarded when complete Dhalion´s VFR Tour or XS VFR Tour using DIO Callsign
Wrold Tour Awarded when complete an IFR World Tour using DIO callsign
XS Tour Given when complete XS Tour (Other than Dhalion, other Airline or the VFR) Using DIO Call sign
World Traveler Complete 3 World Tours using DIO Callsign
2000 Hours Awarded when Pilot reach 2000 hours
Exceptional Landing Award given when piltot perform landing of less than -100 FPM